Monday, May 11, 2009

Clean cities
Global warming issue is becoming a threat to humanity. Solving the problem is becoming a must for all countries and individuals to reduce carbon dioxide in the environment. The world has been trying to reduce carbon dioxide by many means such as hybrid cars or clean cities.
SDJC is 11 Japanese companies that have come together to try to face the issue of global warming. SDJC has a new major project which is building a clean city which has green buildings, hybrid cars and less green house gas emissions. The city has a business zone, cultural zone and a residential zone. Carbon dioxide is reduced up to 30% in the residential towers whereas in the eco towers 50%.
Clean cities are one of the best solutions that technology has came up to in facing the issue of global warming. The clean city might expand in the future and cause clean countries to be established. The video was very beneficial to the viewer because it gave us a clear image of how the clean cities will be established.