Wednesday, March 11, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth
Al Gore
Global warming is an issue that isn’t simple to solve. The issue has many causes and effects. Although global warming is an inconvenient truth to know about a solution is to be initiated. The atmosphere of the earth is a very thick layer that protects and harms the earth. This is because the main purpose of the atmosphere is to protect the earth from the sun rays. The human misuse of earth caused the atmosphere to trap heart in earth rather than blocking it. The atmosphere is thickened by pollution therefore more of the outgoing infrared is trapped.
Carbon dioxide rates have increased dramatically in the last thousand years. The more carbon dioxide the more heat. Water in the earth is lacking. Glaciers of sweet water are melting in a very high rate in the sea. 40% of the people in the world rely on water coming from glaciers that are melting so quickly that in the near future the 40% will not find drinking water.
The hottest ten years ever recorded were the past ten years. 2005 was the hottest year. A heat wave hit most of the world killing hundreds. The heat wave caused drought in many parts of the world. Flooding also is an impact of global warming. Drought happens because of high temperatures in the atmosphere which cause the water in the soil to evaporate. Many other nature effects started to occur tornadoes, typhoons & hurricanes. If a solution isn’t put into consideration global warming might cause remapping of the world.

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