Monday, April 13, 2009

An Inconvenient truth review

An inconvenient truth is a very useful movie in showing the impact of global warming on the planet.
James Berardinelli (
Was negative in his review. The movie An Inconvenient Truth was more Gore than Global warming because of the little snippets of Gores private life in the movie. Al Gore is using the movie An Inconvenient Truth to make him a more popular person. The content of the movie An Inconvenient Truth is very compelling. The film doesn’t really provide any new information; it is just a recap of known facts. The movie is non-cinematic. That is because the movie is very long. In the movie Al Gore thinks that he’s on American idol. Despite the flaws and the familiarity of the material, the clarity of the presentation was amazing.
Eric Steig
Was positive in his review. The movie was very beneficial to the audience because it educates the public about global warming. The movie also shows the impact of global warming on the planet. In the movie Al Gore tries to convince the U.S government to impose rules against carbon emissions.

My opinion of the movie:
An Inconvenient Truth is a very informational movie. Al Gore in his movie shows all the aspects of global warming. In the movie Al Gore used many power point slides to help explain his point of view and to show the audience real facts and graphs. As a whole the movie is very beneficial for the receiver and helps spread a lot of awareness against global warming.

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